I have a great joke
OK now you have to read this out loud. but I hope I don't affend anyone...
ok I had a patient come into my weightloss clinic and she keeps getting into ice cream and so the only way I could get through to her was by telling her this.
Can you spell C as in Cake... She said yes
Can you spell C as in Cookies....she said yes..
Can you spell A as in Apple....she said yes..
Can you spell F as in Ice cream and she said
THERE IS NO F in ice cream.....
HAHAHAHAHHAHAA If you did not get this read out loud....HAHAHHAHAH
Oh Crystal I needed a good hearthy laugh this am.. I really did .. .LIFE HAS BEEN SO almost unbearably STRESSFUL here. Gives me a glimmer of hope and a outlet to laugh. Can't even begin to write what the heck is going on seems so unreal at times. Ty Ty Crystal I REALLY NEEDED THIS THIS MORNING!!!!
Your are the best Crystal