Help the weight is packing on
Ok I am just gaining weight like crazy. i mean like 10 in 2 weeks and I have no clue why.. I have not been able to exercise and bam the weight has come on.. I need to get back on track and I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO START..feel like i have lost the battle!!!!!!
I am 214 this ugh 5 lbs over night????????
I am peeing but gaining grrrrrrrrrrrrr
So sorry you are struggling but I can relate. You haven't lost the battle at all. Up until last week I had found 7 lbs of my loss. I buckled down. I started a food diary and even if I couldn't "exercise" i made sure i found ways to get in whatever extra effort I could. I would park farther away if I went anywhere. I would get up and walk around the office or house even if I had no where to go. I'm happy to report I have lost that 7 plus 2 more in the week that I have really applied myself.
Good luck. You can do it!!
I will start a diary and I do see the NUT soon I think tommorrow I see her. I am just way off track I JUST FEEL I just DERAILED some where. I have been helping my aging in laws that takes me traveling out of town and that is a very stressful being with inlaws that did not care for me when I married their son but I am now good enought to clean up after their bodily functions. I know part of my weight gain is probally from emotionally eating and dealing with in laws who just hated me and even after 10 years of therpy to except they were plain mean and do not deserve a awesome daughter like me depite how crappy they treated me all these years I AM still THERE CLEANING UP THEIR S#!T!!!! IN THEIR OLDER years. Becasue at the end of they day after dealing with them I CAN NOW tell hubby how I FEEL ABOUT them and man it was about time I TELL HIM HOW I FELT INSTEAD SHOVING FOOD TO QUIET MY EMOTIONS and he calls me a saint LOL OK FEELS GOOD TO VENT lol TY FOR awesome ideas!!!
Wow. I'm so sorry.
And I agree with your husband. You are a saint. I was lucky with my in-laws and honestly don't know that I could do what you are doing.
I'll wish you patience and calm to deal with what you are going through. Emotional eating and being away from home is extremely hard.
Best wishes. Good luck.
u KNOW I was thinking this is a test for the rest of my life, I did not get to be 295 with out a emotional component added to this .. No doubt this will not be my last weight gain but it is how I HANDLE THE WEIGHT GAIN THAT WILL MAKE ME A WINNER. I did not wake up one morning and say u know I want to be morbid obese, was a Reason why I GOT TO BE 295 LBS.. I ate my way to 295 bite after bite.