Why does life throw us curve balls?
Well As many of you know I have been stuck at 184 for some time now and I am just now getting comfortable with my new body, Well now it is safe enough to deal with other problems? I am having some major troubles in the home front and I think it is strange that now I am not scared or upset. I am calm as can be. Well anyways I just wanted to see is anyone else going through this also? Troubles that have been going on for some time and now I am strong enough to deal with them? Well anyways everyone take care and talk to you soon I hope.
Hi Crystal,
I think I know what you are trying to say. I think this process has made us stronger. Look at everything that we have had to go through, from the approval process to today. Maybe we just don't want to have to put up with anymore crap or by finally taking care of ourselves for a change makes us realize that we deserve to be loved and respected.
Just my two cents worth.
Take care,
I have been pretty quiet also. I have been doing a lot of thinking and trying to fgure out what is going on in my life. I have not posted because I did not know how to put it. Anyway-maybe this will open the doors.
My son has been deployed in Afghanistan. He is in a VERY dangerous area with a beyond dangerous job. This has caused me to do some stress eating. I just could not help myself. Luckily, I was able to limit it to a few hours rather than days worth.
Then, things are so weird at home with my hubby. I ended up being one that my sex drive went kaput. I have started taking hormones and they are really helping but now hubby does not seem interested. I really feel he does not find me attractive anymore and this has me just about out of my mind. I have tried talking to him but you know how men can be. I was going to blog about this but I know that others-read some locals-read that and I do not want this getting back to him and making things worse. They do not know about my A team.
Anyway. I am confident in how I look. I know I look great. It is just so frustrating that my rock, the man I love is becoming more distant each day. I have been trying to be more attentive to him. It is just weird. I am not looking anywhere else. I love my husband and I just want us to get back to being us again. Ya know what I mean??
Anyway, I will probably be embarrassed later but I just need help and support and do not know what else to do. Thanks for bringing this up...
Hi Sharra,
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one whose sex drive went out the window! I have zero interest in sex. I asked a surgeon (not my original surgeon, who has left Barix) at my one year check up, and he told me it's either a deficiency in hormones or it's all mental. How did you go about getting hormones to help out?
Hubby is VERY insecure now that I've lost weight and don't want sex. I think it's a double whammy for him. Of course, being a man, he thinks that if I'm not having sex with him I MUST be getting it somewhere else, so he's gotten very very jealous of late. It's driving me insane and causing me to think of divorce. Like Crystal, there were always problems before, but things just seem amplified now.
Oh well. Things will work out in time. Thanks for listening

I spoke with my PCP and told him what was happening and asked for some testosterone. He decided to try me on a blend of estrogen and testosterone called estrotest. It is actually for menopausal symptoms but I figured whatever-as long as it works.
It has helped-me. Now hubby does not seem interested and I have to pester him into it. Needless to say this is hard. I got the pills so we could have some normalcy in our lives and it still is chaotic.
My PCP is keeping a close eye on this medication but I have had no side effects.
Things were good in my house before surgery. Never thought we would be struggling with this issue. It has really blindsided me.
OK,time for me to chime in here. No sex drive? Hmmmmmmmmm, maybe that's my problem. I've been dating the most wonderful man for a little over 2 months. I just broke up with him on Saturday because I didn't feel any spark. Now I'm thinking....could that lack of spark be hormonal? Is it me and not him?? Did I send a great man away for the wrong reasons? You have certainly given me food for thought
Hi Crystal,
I think what is is now is that we face things with a stronger sense of ourselves and that we now refuse to settle for anything. It's like we finally can see that we deserve the best we can have (and i don't mean material goods) and we're better equipped to fight for it.
Continue being strong, girl!
Crystal u are a very strong person and u just simply amaze me how strong u are.I have this calm feeling as well crystal , a very calm feeling. I think because I am failrly healthy minus the tumor but my diabetes and etc is gone.. I feel very strong and healthy and able to fight anything inclusing troubles at home
I think losing weight has made us deal with the issues that made us fat to begain with , No long are we shoving down the emotions with food we are facing them head on as we lost out best friend called food. well this is how I see it
Well thank you all for all your thoughts and it did help. I find that life is just too short for alot of this petty BS. lol...but you know what I know where I can turn to get this stuff out and I also and glad to hear that some others are feeling the same as me. Even at 303 I was always standing up for what was right but more now then before. I am and have always loved to love people and I think helping people lose weight is also helping me get stronger....lol...watch out world.. I am as gentle as a lamb but ohh watch out....lol..Well thank you all ONCE again you have made me feel sane. As for the troubles at home I have survived worse than this before and I am sure it will get better. I miss talking with everyone here but work has me on the go alot. Mon-Sat.. 8 to 7 everyday....but I could not be happier helping people. Hey each one of you send me a message if you need me or just send me one to say HI I would love to hear from you all.....TTFN..