my one year stuff
My one year date was April 30th. I go and see my doctor on the 8th. Hopefully he will be happy with my weight loss. I'm not always so happy with it.. but I refuse to let it get me down. I am feeling so much better then before.. and I really am very thankful.
I posted some new pictures on my blog at this site. I found some pictures of me 3 weeks before surgery last year. I was at the park pushing my youngest son on the swing. I remember feeling so tired and worn out.. I couldn't do anything without great effort. I promised myself that day that I would go back to that park and swing on the swings WITH my kids.
And I had forgotten about that promise until I saw these pictures. They where on a friends computer...
So you better believe I went back and swung like a kid for a hour on those swings. What a wonderful time! My kids are saying things like... "Mommy, your finally getting to have fun with us!" and "Mommy, I'm so glad you can play with us now."
Our family trampoline is wonderful.. who needs cardio when you have a trampoline! LOL
Anyways.. just thought I would share.

You look so amazing and u know I was looking at your old pic and I realized that was the old.. u and new u came together in my head hard to explain ok but it is all good trust me LOL, I have a photographic memory and it is a down fall when u rolladex a face to a name.. I got so use to the new u.. FORGOT U WERE EVEN HEAVY,I cannot keep up with all you RNY people u guys shrunk so fast .. Makes my head spin the rolladex memory to fast