Happy Pesach (passover) to you as well! My mother and grandmother and great-grandmother taught me the traditions of my Jewish heritage. We are having a Seder dinner tonight.. though I'm not cooking.
Here are some poems written by 2nd graders about passover. They tickled me and brought a smile.. so I thought I would share them.
By Ari, Eviatar, and Yishai
Matzah is really flat,
It's even flatter than a mat.
Matzah doesn't have any yeast,
I'll eat it while I'm facing East.
Now I'm at the plaza,
And we're eating lots of matzah.
It is very crunchy,
And it is really munchy.
Now we're eating matzah,
It's the Afikoman, I've got ya,
It was behind the couch,
In a little pouch.
It's time for the seder,
Bring on the water.
Now it's time to eat,
And we'll lean in my seat.
By Alan, Cecelia, and Katy
We are free,
Slaves we used to be
After we crossed the Red Sea
Happy and dancing were we.
By Amos, Eli, and Maya
If you see me free,
You will see,
I crossed the Red Sea,
And sang and danced happily.