Guess who's lost 200 pounds in less than a year??
CAN YA'LL BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?!?!? I've lost 200 pounds in less than a year!!!! I jumped on the scale just a while ago and I was at 244 pounds!!!!!!! OMG!! My jaw dropped. My original goal for 1 year out was to lose 175 pounds. Boy did I ever crush that goal. My one year surgiversary is next Wednesday, but I feel like celebrating MUCH more today after reaching this goal. Wow. What a difference a year makes eh???
Anyway, I just had to share my great news!! I wish I could share such great news about my health and my pain issues. Right now I'm in a battle with going back into the hospital because my pain is so bad OR toughing it out so I do not disappoint my kids. They would absolutely fall apart if I went back into the hospital. I've just been home a month since the last time I was there. I don't know what to do! Anyone got any advice?
Thanks for letting me share!
Allie, 200 pounds in a year is freakin' awesome!!!! I totally agree, what a difference a year makes.
I have no advice for your pain issues. I don't know that I would be able to "tough it out", although I understand your reasoning. Is there any kind of home-based treatment that you could do? Or would this freak the kids out, too?
I'll keep praying for you and sending good vibes your way...wish I could offer more.
Anyway, great job on the 200 pounds!
I am so proud of you! You have lost probably the most weight from our group and had the worst time postop! I wish I had an answer for you about your pain, but Shar is right, you have to take care of yourself first.
All I can do is be here for you and keep you in my prayers. So if you need anything, let me know
Again congrats and your new pic is adorable!!
Love ya
You gave me a new meaning to being 200.. wow amazing that is like getting rid of me .. LOL I had my son weighed in at the doc office and he was 93 lbs and I told my son I lost a kelby size boy .. he look at me so puzzled LOL Had no idea what I was talking about.
Hows the pain going?
Way to go Allie!!!!! 200 pounds in a year WOW !!!!!!!!!! It is true what a difference a year makes. When we all started this journey did we ever think we would be booted out of the FAT CLUB? I still am in awe when I look at myself in the mirror and see a skinny person looking back.
As for the pain issue. I am sorry you have had such a rough time of it. It is important that yopu take care of yourself first. It will allow you to take care of your family.
Hang in there!!! Jan