Sunday Weigh In

shar S.
on 3/22/08 10:46 pm - Buffalo Grove, IL
Good morning. Happy Easter to all. Well, it's scale hates me! No weight loss again. I know so many of us are experiencing this horrific stall , so it must be normal. But, the frustration level is so high. We can't give up! We can't give in! We are all successes! Think where we were a year ago. We are all winners, NOT failures, Just because some goals have not been made does not make us failures. Our bodies have been through so much, I do believe they have to adjust. So many of us are not losing weight, but are continuing to drop inches. That's good! It must mean our bodies are still working. We are all in this together. We are here to support and love each other,,,,and that's what we will continue to do. For those team members we no longer see........come back. We need you and you need us! Shame has no place in a family, and that's what we are. DOS 345 Today 209 I am still down 136 pounds, and for that, I am grateful. How was your week?? Shar
Shrinky Inky
on 3/22/08 11:00 pm - Central Coast, CA
Oh Shar, I totally agree. My scale and I are on a vacation now so I did not weigh in this morning. It hated me yesterday as i was back up to 205 from being back down to 203.5 on Friday. WTF? I ate no differently and walked 3 miles Friday evening. I am hoping I learn to not be a slave to the scale and at least gain something useful from this stall. I don't know. On a good note, the weather here was in about 80 yesterday and we thought we'd go to the pool. Except my size 20 bathing suit from last summer was, oh, just a little big, lol. I got a beautiful royal blue suit in a size....are you ready? 12! and it fits, hahahaha Screw the scale. good luck this week my April buddies! Inky
shar S.
on 3/22/08 11:10 pm - Buffalo Grove, IL
12???????? WOnderful 80 degrees? I am so jealous. We have snow and it was below zero last night. Shar
on 3/22/08 11:20 pm - Council Bluffs, IA
Happy Easter everyone. I dont know how I did it, but I had a big loss this week. Could be the 60 hrs I put in at work this week. I am on my feet and moving the whole time Im working. Highest: 276 DOS: 263 Last week: 136.5 Today: 131 Loss of 5.5 lbs this week Grand total lost: 145 lbs 19 lbs below goal. Well, Im off to church for Easter service. Cindy
on 3/23/08 12:49 pm - Des Moines, IA
Hello Cindy! I saw your message and thought that this would be a good way for me to jump back into the board. Congrats on your weight loss. I am so happy for you! You are doing as amazing as you look! The rest of you all look stupendous, and I hope that the journey has been what you hoped for! Amanda
on 3/23/08 12:02 am - Howell, MI
Good Morning Shar and Everyone, Sorry I haven't been around my computer crashed at home, so I figured while I am at my brothers I would jump on and updated everyone. The weight loss has pretty much come to a stall for me too. I've only lost 4 lbs this month. Hard to believe it will be a year on 4/2, can't wait to start seeing everyones yearly pics so get those cameras ready!!!! Pre-op - 397 DOS - 383 Today - 193 Down 204 lbs (13 lbs till my first goal) Hope you had a good week. Take care, Dani
on 3/23/08 1:19 am - Down South, IL
I am not losing I am not losing inches I don't think? humm maybe I need to measure? I am losing my boobs and that really really stinks Happy Easter!!!!! A-Team I am hoping the easter bunny will bring me a tummy tuck lol ok not much to say thats positive so I will go pout and than exercise! see ya next week! dee highest 364 DOS 349 today 242
on 3/23/08 1:30 am - Oroville, CA
Good Morning Everyone, Shar I am right there with you. I have been stuck at 170lb for the past 3 weeks. But with the frustration of that, I am so grateful for where I am today compared to last year at this time, like I know all of us are. Yesterday, I got out and mowed my lawn and pulled weeds (Like Inky, our weather here this weekend is gorgeous) even though I have two grown boys who are very capable of doing it. In fact, my son said, I was going to do the lawn, but I wanted to be outside doing it myself. For the exercise and just because I can do it now and not be completely out of breath when I am done. For those reason, I am so blessed. And if my scale doesnt move again, of course, I will be very disappointed, but I can live with where I am today. But with that said, I am going to try to change things up a bit this week, try to increase my exercise, watch the carbs and make sure I get all my liquids in. Will see what the scale says next week!! Highest: 347 DOS: 323 Last Week: 170 Today:170
on 3/23/08 3:33 am - Las Vegas, NV
I am still slow and steady. It is so hard to lose this last ten pounds. 8 more to go till goal. 1# loss this week. HW 292 DOS 287 LW 169 Today 168
on 3/23/08 6:04 am - Downey, CA
Yep Shar. I'm right there with ya,,and many of my A-teamers! My scale has given up on me. Or I have given up on it! Regardless, it has remained within a couple of pounds difference since Christmas. Between 205 and 195,,back and forth. Today I am on 197. HW-304 DOS-300 Today-197 PamT
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