How much do you chew?
I still chew my food into a gazillion pieces. But, now I'm thinking...............if I chew it up until it dissintergrates in my mouth, how is that gonna feel my pouch?? Are you not chewing as well as right after surgery? Should we not be pulverizing our food? I know if I don't chew enough, it lays on my chest and I hurt, but, maybe I chew too much. What do you guys think??
Hi Shar,
I still chew, chew and chew my food. We were just talking about this last night at our post op class. We still need to chew everything really well because our stomachs can't break down the food like it used to. So I think it is still a very good idea to chew everything up till it is really small. I can sure tell the difference when I accidently swallow a piece that is not chewed up. It hurts going down. I would continue to do what you are doing.
Great question! I actually don't chew as much as I did when I first had my surgery. But I still make sure I chew things pretty well. My problem isn't so much chewing than eating too quickly... I often forget and start to inhale my food.... then my chest starts to hurt which is a quick reminder to slooooowwww down!