Good morning fellow A-teamers! When will we have Spring? I can't stand this cold weather anymore. The diet gods were good to me again this week...and I'm not sure why, but who am I to question? Here go my stats:
DOS 345
Last week 212
Today 208 - 4 pounds!!!!!!!
Total lost
137 ugly pounds of fat gone forever
It totally blows my mind that i am 8 pounds away from ONEDERLAND. I haven't weighed this weight since jr. high school (and that was quite a few years ago)
And how was your week?

Good Morning Everyone,
Didn't have a good week, but I knew the stall was coming because I haven't been to the gym in a few weeks due to working OT. Hope to get back on track this week.
Pre-op - 397
DOS - 383
last week - 206
Today - 206 no loss
Down 191 lbs (26 lbs till my first goal)
Hope you had a good week.
Take care,

Mornin' A-Team!
All is well here. I am still teetering netween 188 and 184. I am down 1 lb from last week which I am happy to report. I am so ready for this stall to be over with. Happy to report I bought a size 10P this week! That is a long way from my sizw 20W.
DOS 289
Last week 186
Today 185 - 1 lb loss this week!
Total loss 104 lbs
Huggs to all,
Hi all!
I had a decent in my protein and exercised my butt off. I had a few bites of my kiddos chocolate from valentines day but only a few small pieces and I didn't graze and eat as many crunchy munchies as I had in the last few weeks...overall, a much better week for my food intake. But, no weight loss this week...I am bouncing between 127-129 this week after a low at 127 last Sunday.
Preop 243+
DOS 220
Last week 127
Today 128 (up 1# but hopefully not for long)
Total lost 115 #!!! Almost a whole person! WOW.
I had just lowered my goal from 130 (my doctors and my original goal) to a range of 118 to 125 (he agrees this is reasonable and says I can go down to 118 and still look healthy) since I am only 5'2" but we will see what my body has to say about that...I haven't weighed 118 since High school!
I finally lost a pound!!!! I am now 245 I wear a size 4 red in lane bryant jeans which by measurements is a 20 and I can wear a 2x shirt. Still a long way to go.My personal goal is 195 so I am 50 pounds away! My husband bought me a total triner it is like the total gym but in my opionion way better and a 1/3 the price I used it yesterday trying to go through all the exercises i only got to number 12 out of like 50 and today my legs are soooooo sore I LOVE IT I will now be able to exercise at home in my garage no excuses and it is FUN!!!!!! Next week I just know i will lose weight too!!!
I am back in this!!!
Great Job Dee! You CAN do it!
Those size 20's won't last long.. that was my goal size and I was only in them for a month or so.. 18's here you come!
I weighed in at 210 today. Onederland is so close I can almost taste it. Speaking of taste... I've been having waay too much of a sweet tooth as of late. BLECH! Those chocolate hearts from valentines day are calling my name and they don't really love me!
I'm looking forward to the weather getting warmer.. I havn't been warm since July I think!
Highest weight 335
Surgery weight 312
Current weight 210
2 lbs till I've lost 100 lbs since surgery!!
I zipped up a size 16 venezia jean today.. no struggle or laying on my bed even.
Tops are now a solid 14/16. People are now telling me I'm done loosing weight. What do they know? I tell them I need to loose around 50 more and they are shocked and disbelieving. Then I tell them my weight and they shut up. LOL
I still love my RNY.

I have hit the worst stall of all time. It's been two months teetering between 187 and 183. The last time I did the sunday weigh in (a month ago) I was at 183. I'm back at 184 today.
Here are the stats:
HW: 278
DOS: 264
LM: 183
Today: 184
94 lbs total, 80 since surgery.
Lbs from Century Club: 6
Lbs from Goal: 30
Have a great week everyone!