I'm Baaaaaaaaack !
Hi A teamers. Well, I had another stint at the hospital and just got home tonight. I was in for 5 days/ I went in with excrutiating stomach pains (again). I had an imflammation in my intestine, around where I was rerouted. The good news is the ulcer at the anastomosis has healed. I am so tired of this pain, I have had a hospital stay every month because of this, or some other stomach/intestinal problems. I hope this is the end. I did lose weight in the hospital. despite all the continuous IVs, but I will wait till Sunday to officially weigh in. I hope you are all doing well.
Oh no, I was worried that you might be in the hospital when you missed the weigh-in. Shar, I'm so sorry that you've had so many complications-that could happen to any of us, and reminds us how serious this procedure is. I hope this is the END of your hospital stays! I'm glad your ulcer is healed, at least. Take care!