Now the Tough Part...Cigarettes i made several New Years Resolutions.
1. go to the gym at least 3 days a week
2. get back on track with my eating
3. quit smoking
I have a few others too but those are the 3 toughest. Obviously i've put off the "quit smoking" part because i keep coming up with an excuse or a reason why its not a good time yet. (us addicts tend to do that)
Well my friends. Now is the time.
I slept until noon today because i was afraid to get out of bed and have that first cup of coffee, knowing what i normally do after that cup of coffee. Ugh. Here i am. I can do this!!
I specifically planned this so that i would start my battle with cigarettes right after that 5 day pouch test diet ended, so i began taking Chantix a week ago. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Chantix, its a prescription i take to help me with my nicotine addiction. The first 7 days of taking chantix you smoke....on day 8 (which is today) i dont smoke.
Life is tough.
Anyway, Here we go. I just have to keep reminding myself that i will be healthier in the end for all of these life changes im trying to make! Wish me well......and my family too because the poor darlings will have to put up with me! lol
I wish you all the luck in the world. I quit smoking for 5 years but with a few issues from last year I was so stressed and depressed I started again. I have plans to quit again at some point but at the moment I am going to battle my food issues first and deal with the other problem later. I remember when I first started smoking I alwasy said when they reach $2 bucks a pack I would quit and not I am shelling out over $5 bucks a pack.
I'm with you on this one too. I'm actually on the patch. Chantix was too hard on my stomach and I would never stick to taking it because I couldn't get over the mental part of knowing I was going to take it and then spend 20 minutes doubled over in pain and nausea. I've tried about 6 or 7 times with the patch and at least 100 other ways!
I became an auntie yesterday and the pressure of being my nephew's only auntie is helping me get through it. I know I want to be this kid's favorite person and I don't want him to ever think smoking is okay, or God forbid, a cool thing to do.
That's it for now. I wish you luck.
im so glad you posted this! Do you know every time i take the chantix i feel like im going to die! I double over in pain and it lasts for about 20minutes. Dear God, i hope and pray it gets better because im not sure i can handle that kind of pain 2 times a day for 3 months!
I did the patch in the past...and it works for me, except i cant get off of it!! I guess because its still feeding the nicotine through your system. Thats the main reason i wanted to try the chantix...and i will continue to take it in hopes the stomach irritation goes away soon.
I had about 6 cigarettes today and im on day 8....not suppose to be smoking any at all after day 7 but im suffering the loss of a dear friend who passed away yesterday and i cant handle it. I know that seems like an excuse, but im doing the best i can. I have smoked a pack a day for the past i guess 6 is good if i look at it like that. ?
Anyway...good luck to all of you ladies trying to battle this nicotine addiction....its hell, but we'll make it (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
thanks so much crystal. Im going to do my damdest to quit. Im so ready for it! I hate the cost, the smell, the consequences of being unhealthy, etc. !!
The chantix is very hard for me to handle as far as stomach irritation goes, but im going to keep taking it in hopes that will go away.
oh! and crystal? Can you make me that card now?
My weigh in is at 127 ...which is a total loss of 87lbs
My goal weight is 120 but seems like it will take forever to lose the last 7lbs, otherwise id wait until i reached goal. lol. *sighs*
Thank you ((((((((hugs))))))))))
Im leaving town to head to NY to attend a friends funeral so if you do make me a new card, just email it to my work email that you have and ill add it to my profile when i return next week. Thanks girl!
OMGosh, I'm soooo glad you posted this! I am not your ordinary smoker. I only smoke when I drink. Lately, I've been having a few glasses of wine...and what do ya know...out come the smokes! The only issue I have is that I smoke clove cigs (ok, so I never left the 80' ) so, I;m not sure if that is better or worse than a normal smoker. Its funny, I have abo****ely have no craving during the day and when the hubby smokes, I grose out completlely! Darn that merlot! I guess I really need to get back on the band wagon again!