I finally Uploaded some new Pix!!
I really enjoy seeing how far everyone has come in their pictures. I realized-hey I need to do that too. Should have worn a more form fitting top but what the heck-you get the idea. I can not believe that this is me either..
Funny thing happened last weekend. I went to a Memorial Service (no that was not the funny part) and saw a gal I was great friends with in High School. I had not seen her in over 20 years so she missed out ever seeing the fat me. Anyway, she looked right at me and said" You look EXACTLY the same!!". Can you imagine how wonderful that made me feel?? I laughed and told her "yeah, except for all the wrinkles!!"
Thanks so much. It is so much fun to actually look at myself. I do not mean that in a vain way. It's just fun to look and wonder "who the heck it that!" IT's not just other people who do not recognize me-I have a heck of a time recognizing me...
I know that his journey would have been so much harder without the A team's support and sharing of all our good times and bad.
Thanks again everyone!!