Day 4 Pouch Test
Are we there yet??? ...haha. Almost!
I wasnt sure what to have for breakfast today because day 4 on the plan says we can eat ground beef, turkey, shellfish...stuff like that. Although that all sounds yummy...just not sure i want it first thing in the morning so i had a hard boiled egg and some coffee. Im guessing thats okay. I have had different opinions on this plan and how its suppose to work. Some people tell me i can eat the foods on the previous days plan and add the new food items listed, others say only the things listed for that day. I think i might email the lady who came up with the diet and see once and for all what she intended for us to do! I want to do this plan every six months or so and i might as well get it right! lol
good luck to all of you on day 4!
So Far:
Breakfast: coffee & hard boiled egg white (yolk is icky to me eaten like that!)
Did i lose those of you doing this ?
I feel so alone in this today Well, its almost over and it is getting very old (for you all too, im sure!)
Anyway, i went to sams club to buy a couple of pounds of shrimp for my lunch and for the family to eat with out dinner tonite but for some reason the guy with the fresh shrimp wasnt there so i had to buy some cooked shrimp that they had on ice....i never got to eat any for lunch though because it didnt thaw out in time. I was starving! I didnt plan on anything else because i thought for sure i had a plan! I had coffee for lunch instead! Hmph!
After work i planned on shrimp for dinner, figuring id have just enough time to eat before i would have to take my youngest to gymnastics but then i got stuck at work and had to have my DH do dinner without me! I got her to gymnastics on time but i never got to eat dinner!! Needless to say i just got home and had some shrimp. FINALLY!! It was good! I imagine anything would have been good at this point though. I was so tempted to grab something fast so that i could feed my starving body but i remembered thats what got me stuck in this rut in the first place. Something quick, fast....usually isnt good for me because that pretty much involves wendy's or mcdonalds
Ok, so heres how i did today:
Breakfast: coffee & hard boiled egg white
Lunch: coffee
Late Dinner: 6 large shrimp
I may sneak in another shrimp or two before bed some time. Im fine right now but i really didnt eat today and thats not very healthy.
HOpe im not boring you all with this stupid diet. I really need to post because it keeps me accountable, otherwise i probably would have gotten off of it by now. so thanx
Hope the rest of you are hanging in there. One more day. Thank the Lord!
Thanks Crystal !
I hope i have at least lost a pound or two for all my efforts! lol ...BUT, if not ill survive. You're right...the main point here is to get the cravings at a level i can control. I do believe that part of this plan is working because although i have some head hunger and i do miss eating what i want to not really craving anything "bad". I guess thats good!
Have a great day my friend (((((((((hugs)))))))))