Tracking really works
I just wanted to tell case anyone was doubting it...writting everything down that goes into your mounth really works. I have been diligent about tracking what I am eating, counting protien and calories and the scale has been moving again. I have been losing about 1.5 pounds a week for the past three weeks. I am a big believer that drinking water and writting everything down is the way to go if you are stalling. I has been working for me and wanted you all to know in case you are in need of kick in the butt like I was!
YES! I completely agree! I've also been tracking since the new year and it feels great. It made me realize that I wasn't getting enough protein. Now I'm having one shake a day to help get my numbers up each day. And like the others here, it helps me realize that if I go off track a little it doesn't need to ruin my whole day. Hooray for us!
Thanks for the encouragement. I started to write and track everything on the first of January also. Unfortunately, that lasted only a couple days. LOL
I know if my weight loss stops before goal, I will need to get serious about it. I like writing on here but do not really care for it on paper-I know-I'm weird.
I have tried fitday but found it cumbersome to track my food. It just seemed so hard to find the right food and I don't always have my pc on. I have just been using a little notebook and looking up calories and protien as I go along. I tell you it is amazing how quickly the calories add up. I do use fitday to track my weight though and love it. You can set goals for yourself and track how much you are losing each week, month etc.