Sunday Weigh In
Hi all! It is great to hear how everyone is doing...I am doing pretty good but feel exausted for the last few days...I saw my doc last week. He says I am doing great but still need to eat more. He feels that my stricture is opening up fine and I don't need any dilation, but getting in foods that are harder (ie, many of the good proteins) is very difficult. Crackers are sooo much easier! I am begining to hate the protein shakes/coffees, etc. My avg intake had been 700-800 calories on a good day, but I am now pushing it to 1000-1100 w/ 100 g protein intake...and I am stuffed. Sadly, I still crave the munching foods and grazing mentality, which is going to get me into trouble if I am not careful.
PREop 243+
DOS 220
Last week 132.2
Today 130.8 (down 1.4#, which is awesome)
0.8# from original Goal of 130!!!
(doc says my weight goal range is 118 to 130, so it is ok to lose more if by body wants to but not that I need to...and, I have quite a bit of fat that still needs to be I am thinking of adjusting my goal a bit...maybe to 120...but first I need to get below the goal and see what happens.)