Skipping Meals?
Has anyone here had problems with staying disciplined re: eating three meals a day? I find that I skip meals left and right. Not intentionally - just get so preoccupied that I forget to eat.
Also, have been going through issues with drinking and smoking every now and then. I am really afraid to bring these things up in my monthly support group because I am afraid of being verbally attacked or ridiculed. I have seen others bring up the fact that they have tried pizza and hell was brought down on them infront of a room full of 50 people. For pizza? Imagine if I brought up anything REAL... I laugh at the thought of how I would be attacked. I just figured I would throw this out there and see what insight I can get - see if anyone has gone through the same deal. I need to get re-motivated, I know. I just don't know what's wrong with me lately.
After reading this I thought SUPPORT GROUP....that sounds like HELL....Well hun you have to think this way....we all were addicts....People on this earth most are addicts...and you switched from food to this other stuff....Any addiction is hard to kick....but you can do it...I would start with the drinking first....and then in a couple weeks then try the smoking....I am a smoker who picked them back up and I have only told a few people....but you know what NO ONE should judge what others do.....Hang in there I am here for you....
You're not alone. I have a terrible time eating like I should. I think I even quit losing because I was all over the place with meals. When I felt like I was eating like a pig all week I lost a few pounds (crazy). Now I try to make a conscious effort to eat.
I discovered the joys of wine recently also.. I always hated the stuff, but now most of it tastes great. I know I probably drink more than I should but I'm cutting back a little. I'm still searching for that healthy crutch to lean on.
Your comment about your support group really makes me mad.who the hell are people to judge others? I hate it when people rush to admonish us when we do something that they consider "wrong." And what is so wrong with pizza?? We are human, with human feeling, emotions, wants and desires. So what if you havwe something like pizza to eat!! All things in moderation.....that is life. I'll never forget a post from someone on the main boards, months ago. She was getting married and didn't know how she would deal with not eating a piece of her wedding cake. How ridiculous!! Why are we not supposed to enjoy ourselves? I know your post wasn't really about the (lack of) support group, but it just got me going! Sorry.
As for skipping meals.....some times I wish i could! I don't think that I have ever, in my entire life, been too preoccupied to eat. As for drinking and smoking..........well, I am totally against the smoking for anyone. We all know how unhealthy that is. it occassionally? Don't beat yourself up so much. Allow things in your life,,,again, in moderation. We are here to live, not to beat ourselves up
This is tough. We are now at the stage that we have to focus on all our issues that got us fat in the first place. Seems right after surgery, we had to focus on our program and just getting through.
You need support to work on these issues. If you do not get it in support group then a therapist or a small group of friends should help. We have addictive personalities. We seem to be self destructive. Why??? I try and take time to reflect and figure things out for myself. I use my class and my blog and this forum to work through stuff when it comes up. I do forget meals at times. I do best when I get all my meals in, energy wise and weight loss wise. We need enough calories to lose and not go into starvation.
I think it is easy to turn remarks others make. I have been guilty of trying to turn the focus off me when I know I haven't been doing good. I bet this is what happens in your group.
Simple answer, do what you need to do to be healthy. Fous on that. Smoking and drinking and skipping meals is not helping you to live healthy. Be kind to yoursef. You deserve it. The hardest thing is to accept yourself and to love
We no longer have our shield of fat to hide behind. Hang in there. I really feel our true journey begins once the weight is off-then we are on a journey of self discovery.
Hi Susan,
I am guilty of skipping meals, not on purpose but because I get busy, distracted, brain farts, whatever, and hunger has not yet returned to the pouch, for which i'm happy, so the trade off isn't horrible in my eyes. I do count protein so if I forget then I have a protein shot or some cheese to bump me back up.
And I have been guilty of finding that a nice glass (or three) of wine goes down quite well and is a pleasant way to spend the weekend. Except this weekend when I realized I was the only one drinking the Pinot Grigio that was suddenly empty. Uh oh, time to step back and have a talking to myself, which I did, and it's done and I'll move forward. One thing I promised myself when I had this surgery was to not beat myself up anymore for so-called "bad things" and live life moderately. A bottle of wine is not moderate so don't do that again, but a glass (or three) is okay now and then.
If your support group is that vicious, can you find a different one? of all places, one should be able to go to a support group for SUPPORT not to be ganged up on. For ideas and help through tough times, are they all so perfect they never fail or have setbacks? probably not. maybe a good topic for a future meeting?
So know that you are not alone out here,
Gineta and Inky, I am with ya! I have found that I can consume almost nine glasses of wine in a single evening out! Oh lord! Let me tell you though, the hang over was way worse than I have ever felt! Since then, I have vowed to drink one bottle of water in between each beverage. This has allowed me to better manage my intake. The only thing I have tried other than wine, are Mamosas (sp?). I was scared about the whole carbonation thing, but I think that the OJ kills the carb in the champagne. But I hear you both, celebrate in moderation......
Breakfast is the hardest meal for me to eat! I never ate breakfast even before my surgery and I still struggle to eat it now. I wake up every morning around 5:30 am and I usually just sip on coffee all morning till around 11:30am... then I try to eat a little something, like a banana... but sometimes I skip it all together and just eat lunch around 1pm. Bad habit I know but breakfast foods just don't agree with me... unless it's a stack of pancakes or waffles smothered in butter & syrup with a side order of bacon or sausage!
I always make sure I eat lunch & dinner... and lately I've been snacking a bit at night... which I hope to curb. Popcorn & Christmas cookies seem to be my downfall right now... and I'm struggling to fight those temptations.
I agree with the others who said everything in moderation. We need to live life an enjoy it too! A little bit of indulgence every now & then is fine and certainly pizza is a better food choice than cookies! There are a lot of healthy pizza's out there or ones you can make yourself. Your support group sounds way to judgmental and that's not support at all. Just know you can always come here and talk about anything... we are all in this together and by the sounds of it we all share in many of the same struggles. Love the support I get from all you wonderful A-Teamers!!!!