Ru a rabbit or turtle?
I see a few have made it to finshed line and reach goal and congradualtion on that .. I bet victory is sweet I am over a year from goal (Lap band u know we go slower LOL) The real battle of morbid obesity is learning to become a thinner me and keeping myself there.. I been keeping up with some of my freinds who had weight loss surgery before me and alot gained alot of weight back and this scares me to death ... man I had alot of fat WLS freinds LOL 10 in real life not counting off the net LOL most of my WlS freinds r fat again
I decided I need to go about this weight loss surgery in a multi fold process I had to really look at to why I got to be 295 lbs was not only becasue I loved food .I was out of control with my life .I have to except it was more than merely consuming extra calories then what I am expending
Questions I am asking and answering or looking for a answer still linger.
How did I get to be 295?
Who am I now?
Dealing with others treating me differently.
Emotionally issues of eating?
Addiction of eating and what will be a tranfer addiction if i do not get to root of why I got to 295?
What will keep me at goal?
Life style changes forever can I do this ?
Do i beleive I can do this?
Why do I hate exercise even tho I know it is what I need?
New coping skills I will need what r they?
Where do I see my self in 1 3 5 10 years?
Can I stop this self hating self distruction mode ?
Beleiveing I deserve to be thin
Can I learn to self love and self respect not self soothe with food?
The list could go one but bascially it will all boil down to can I except this new lifestyle if I don't all of this will be done out of vain..
I am so glad I am basically a year from goal because if i was near goal I know I would not be ready emotionaly mentaly physically to keep at goal.. guess God knows what he is doing.. I am a turtle not a rabbit what ru?
Alot say it is a battle but really I also see it as truth time to my self .. WLS is a tool but I need to rethink my life ..For example today I had a fight with hubby more like he yelled at me and i did not yell back and now I been eating junky food.. and stressing out .. I should have gone to gym and worked out and forget it was sunday my day off (weight gain never takes a day off) .. Now I feel so SICK GUILTY ..about what I ate..AND DID I need to learn to stop taking it out on me and should have finally stuck up for my self instead of running away from a arguement and eating like I been doing for years .. next time I am running to the gym .. not run to food..
Hey Lisa,
You really scare me when you say that you have had at least 10 people you know that have gotten fat again after WLS. That is my biggest fear!!!! I already feel like I have stretched out my pouch and can eat too much. My weight loss have gone into big time turtle mode. Yes, I have lost 116 pounds, but lately I have been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. Have I lost all that I am going to lose? Am I already setting myself up to fail? Plus, all of your questions are the same ones I ask myself daily.
They are all good questions!!! I just wish I could find an answer.
Take Care,
I know if i do not get a handle on this i will be like my freinds who gained all or most of their weight back
My weight loss freinds status
Cheryl RNY 5 years post Wls out alcoholic now in recoverty woohooo and gained 50 lbs back from 200 lbs weight loss
Jorge RNY 2 years post weight loss gained 40 lbs back after losing 100 lbs and still gaining
My hubby 18 mos post at goal and never gained back
Marie lap band at goal and looks awesome 13 mos post surgery lost over 100 lbs
Cyndi not a WLs but my best freind and she has lost over 100 lbs and battles it ever day but is faithful about her exercise but battle severe diabetes
My sister Maria lost over 100 pounds is 15 years post dieting but had to become a vegitarin to keep her loss and went threw extensive therpy to lose the weight
joanne gastric sleeve 6 years post surgery and had gained 20 lbs back but seems to be happy with her weight loss and says it is life long battle
Jay RNY 2 years post surgery and has gained all his 115 pounds back and still gaining..
Tammie RNY 8 years post and look great had plastic surgery and wow she works out and really decided to finsh the job and have plastic surgery and remove alot of the fat .. but she said it takes serious her weight loss I admire her and she is my mentor
Samantha is out local celerbrity as she is on bill borads every where for lap band surgery she is 4 years post lap and she had to have it replaced once but she did not gain the weight back in fack she looks great,,,
Julie 3 years post lap band and is doing well had breast reduction and body conturing had plastic surgery and is at goal in fact below goal and doing awesome but she says it was the plastic surgery that helps her keep her figure up .
Like i said I am scared
I was bouncing between the same 5 pounds for over a month. I had pretty much told myself this was it for me, but I could still be happy just the size I am. I made some changes, like more water, change up the exercise and it has finally started moving again. Slowly but moving. Now my big battle is eating enough..its like I'm scared to death of food. I have such a fear of stretching my pouch. Is that crazy or what???