Zoloft anyone?
I was on Zoloft when I was a teenager. It seemed to help me. I actually didn't have weight gain because it made me sick to my stomach at first to where I didn't want to eat. My Dr. actually took me off of Meridia and put me on it. I am happy to say that today I am off of it, but that is due more than anything to my husband and how happy he makes me. I had a really hard teenage life, and was very depressed. I also look at my daughter and she gives me the strength I need to overcome my depression. Depression is a real thing that many people don't understand unless they have gone through it. I have been there and I know what you are going through. As far as the weight gain, I don't think that it's going to be a problem. Just continue to watch what you eat, and don't let anything change. Best of luck! If you need anyone to talk to please feel free.
Thank you so much Tiffany. Your words of support mean alot
I did start taking the zoloft. I thought for sure i wasnt going to, at least not until i was finished researching it some more but I found out my fathers cancer is back and they are only giving him 4-6 months....I thought...ok, I probably have too many things bringing me down and it might be a good idea to just take it and see what happens.
Ill keep ya posted!
I just took it for the 2nd time last night and i was up all night long tossing and turning. I dont like how im feeling but i will ride it out and see if that goes away.
Thanks again to you all who have been so helpful !