Let's hear it for Inky!!!!!!!!!
Woohooo!!!! You go girl!!! That's awesome Inky! I can't wait to join you in the century club... but I have a ways to go still. I feel like Shana... I've lost 80-lbs. so far and now that the weight loss has slowed down to a pound a week it seems like it will take forever to lose those last 20-lbs.
Inky you look amazing and I'm soooo proud of you! Keep it going!

(to the tune of the first few bars of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus):
One Hun-dred Pounds! One Hun-dred Pounds! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!! She's lost 100 pounds!
Ha-llelujah! Ha-llelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! She's joined the Cent'ry Club!
Ok, lame I know, but I want Inky to know how proud I am of her. YOU GO GIRL!!!