WOOHOOO I did it
I finally made it into the century club as of this morning I am down 100lbs.....4 more lbs. to onderland also....Maybe Sunday I will make it to that also...but I started out at 303 last Jan. and this morning I am 203...Kinda like a dream... I am still having troubles kicking this pnemonia but I was feeling great for a few moments when the scale said the lovely news......I just had to share my great news...
welcome to the club Crystal
You will be in onederland before you know it.
I know what you mean as far as this feeling like a dream.
I started a new job and there are people there that I worked with about 5 years ago.
Most of them didnt even know who I was! One of them even said " Oh my god you are so tiny!" I have never been called tiny in my life!!!
Anyways, Congrats 2 U
Enjoy your success!
Love ya