I mean stay clear off colds.. I just found out I have pnemonia...and I got 2 shots and 2 RX's. and I have to go back to DR. on Mon if I am not better then I have to go to hospital and get iv antibodies and breathing treatments
My goodness Crystal!
You have really been sick here lately.
I have lucked out and didnt catch what my grandkids had for 2 weeks.
Drink plenty of liquids and eat some chicken soup. Curl up on the couch and get to feeling better.
oh crystal, I am so sorry!! I really hope the shots and meds get you better fast so you don't have to go into the hospital. Pneumonia sucks - I've had it twice!
Hang in there, my friend and I'm praying for your quick recovery.
Oh Cyrstal, I'm so sorry hun. You must feel miserable. I will be praying for you hun that you heal quickly and won't have to go to the hospital. Rest as much as possible! Hugs!