Finally.. my six month...
I've really enjoyed watching all of you with your six month updates.. mine is finally here and I havn't lost as much as I would have hoped. I'm not sure what's going on.. but I'm trying to stay focused. I work out everyday now and that really makes me feel good, despite the lack of weight loss. I posted some six month pics if you want to take a look. It is fun to compare before and afters. I look at my before pictures and I don't even reconize myself. I have had friends say they don't remember me being that heavy. Weird! What a wild ride this is...
is anyone else feeling a bit let down about loosing weight? I mean.. I love how far I have gone.. I'm just not as excited about it as I thought I would be. I've met my goal of being a size 18 by six months.. and I can't figure out how come I'm not so happy about it. awww..these silly emotions.
Thanks for looking and all your support.
Hey, you look amazing-wow! I'm so glad you posted your pics-what a HUGE difference! I know what you mean about disappointment-we've lost huge amounts of weight, but I still look in the mirror sometimes and feel as fat as ever. Not that I thought losing weight would solve all of my problems, but my obesity kept me sleepy and immobile, providing an excuse to not do things, and now that the fat is no longer there to shield me from life, I'm having to face my problems and get out into the world and deal with it. I can't stuff away my emotions with food any more, and it's been very hard to experience them without that numbing effect. I think it's easy to forget where we came from-just think, before surgery, size 18 sounded like paradise, didn't it? Now that you're there, instead of celebrating it and loving your accomplishment, you're being hard on yourself because the weight loss has slowed down. But, try, really try, to remember how awful you felt at your heaviest. I think you've just gotten used to feeling good and being active and being a normal size! And, the journey's not over-you're still losing, and who knows what size you'll end up? Be kind to yourself and don't be afraid to shine-you've accomplished SO much already!