No real secrets here just doing what the doc says and moving all the time. I must say that the closer I get to the docs goal the scarier it gets. I want to be atleast 10-20 pounds lighter than he says I should shoot for but for once I just want to be a NORMAL weight. I don't hit normal until 135 and really want to go down to 125. I seem to stall for several weeks and then over night it just falls off.
I seem to go out during these above mentioned stalls and buy a pair of pants at the thrift store that absolutely DO NOT FIT and then every few days i try to get them on and it keeps me doing what the doc says and one day I find myself in them with some room to spare and that is the day I weigh myself and realize the stall is over (for now)
Happy Sunday A-team! I have been taped at work on ot so have not reported for a few weeks! I am happy to report that after long last I hit the 100 pound mark this week. Very excited due to going on vacation this week. I am going home to see family in PA and this will be the first time to see some of them in quite some time so it should be intresting!
So on with the report here are my numbers
Highest 325
DOS 309
Last report 10-14-07 228
Today 224
that makes it a total of 101 pounds gone for ever!
Have a great week! Being a Florida girl I am looking forward to some of you all's Cool Weather up in PA maybe it will inspire this body of mine to kick it in to high gear!
I FINALLY got my period last week so I lost all that gross extra weight I was holding on to. Here are my stats;
Surgery Weight 264
Current Weight 168 (4lbs from 100lbs lost!!)
Goal Weight 140
My goal is to be able to say 100lbs lost next week!!
Congrats to everyone on the A-team for being such AWSOME LOSERS!!
Good Night A-Team
I am here working 2nd shift and pretty bored and want to snack but so far so good. I weigh every Monday so posting late.
Heaviest: 360
DOS: 334
Last Week: 252
This Week: 249
loss: -3lbs
111 lbs lost since highest weight and 85 since surgery.
Everyone has done awesome keep up the great work.
Way to go, Shar! Cindy, I too am so sorry for your loss. I have 3 cats whom I consider my children, and, having lost a cat, I totally understand your heartbreak. My heart goes out to you.
Two pounds this week:
Pre-op 240
DOS 232
LW 153
Now 151
I found out my doctor's goal for me was 169, so I've passed that. I really don't have a goal, except - as I said in another post - to lose the 2 pounds, the loss of which will make my BMI "normal".
Love to all my A-team family, and ((hugs)) to Cindy,
Oh, just a little late in posting, but it has been a busy week for me...worked 8 days straight and still found time to work out 3 times and eat correctly. Unfortunately the scale didn't think I worked hard weight loss! But, my size 12 jeans are just way too big now, so I must have lost some inches.
Preop 243
DOS 220
Last week 145
Today 145
only 2 more till 100# !!!