I'm home from Wyoming.
First, I want to say that I realize most of my fellow A-teamers are members of the fairer sex, and probably don't feel as enthusiastic about hunting as I do. But, please indulge me for a moment.
I first started shooting a bow and arrow when I was 12 years old, and it's been a passion of mine since. However, as my weight increased, my ability to enjoy this sport, decreased. In order to harvest an animal with a bow you must get very close to it. (within 50 yards) It's extremely difficult to be stealthy dragging around an extra 100 + pounds. For this reason, I never even dreamed of pursuing a Mule Deer.
Mule Deer live in rugged, barren country. Mountains and sage plains are their prefered habitats. It's very difficult to get close to them in this environment. Most hunters will not even attempt it. Of those who do, the success rate is around 12- 15 %. Well, I pulled it off. I spent 10 days, and countless hours climbing hills, and crawling across the prarie, but after dozens of blown stalks I managed to connect on a nice, mature 4 X 4 buck. The fulfillment of a longtime dream / goal of mine. All made possible, because I lost over a hundred pounds and whipped myself into condition to hunt the badlands.
It was an awesome trip. The country, especially the sky, is mond-boggling to a born, and raised, flat-lander- such as myself. I take home so many good memories, ( as well as cuts, scrapes, bruises, sore muscles, and cactus quills !) I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
Thanks for letting me ramble and share. Whatever your hobbies are, or will be, I'm sure sure your experiences will only be enhanced, as a thin, healthy person.
PS Oh yea, I did manage to lose 10 lbs. on this trip. My biggest loss in months.
PSS Pictures are on my blog- if interested.
Welcome back, David. I do enjoy your posts, especially the risque jokes
I have taken two of my nephews to Europe when they graduated from High School, and am taking my niece next year to a location of her choice. Well, she is interested in going to the North Pole. I've read up on these North Pole excursions, and apparently you have to be in fairly good shape to do the exploring that is done. Ok. As you did, I'm going to have to do some shape whipping in order to do this. I'm really really glad I had this surgery now that it's her turn. Eeeesh. So I'll use your hunting trip as an inspiration.

OK, I'll admit that I'm bummed out about that poor deer, but, putting that aside, WOW DD! You look SO fit and healthy in your new pictures! Your experience in Wyoming sounds absolutely amazing. It must be so challenging to hunt that way, and I'm very impressed that you managed to do it! And 10 lbs. lost on vacation is incredible. It's wild to realize how much all of our lives have changed in such a short time. Thanks for sharing your huge "wow" moment with us!