I'm so BUMMED right now.....and an update!
I'm happy to hear they may have found the source of your troubles. I will be praying they are able to fix it permanently so you can get on with your life pain free!
As for your hubby, he is probably just worn out with all your sickness and as insensitive as that is... it's his way of coping by just ignoring the situation. Men think that if they just ignore things they will go away (sorry guys!). I'm sure he doesn't purposely intend to be hurt you or be insensitive, he just simply doesn't know how to deal with this anymore so he's gonna play the avoiding game. Hang in there with him and hopefully once you have your surgery you will finally be on the road to recovery and all this can be put behind you.
Keeping you in my prayers! Thanks for keeping us posted on what's going on with you. *hugs*