Article about the Study DD was talking about
Thanks for posting the link Melissa. I have a feeling this will be in the news the next few days.
Hopefully, more people will have this surgery available to them as a result of these studies. If you don't think obesity is an epedemic in this country right now you haven't been out in public lately. This country is getting HUGE.
Hopefully, we'll all be good ambassadors of this life-saving surgery.
See, guys, this is why I don't mind telling people that I had the surgery and what's happened since (normal blood sugar, cholesterol, dress sizes ). I'm working to educate the public about this surgery. Our state employee health insurance doesn't pay for the surgery and I'd like to change that, but it will happen only when the Legislature realizes that this is not cosmetic surgery. And - this surgery is not, I know - but so what if it were an "easy" way out????? What difference does it make how you get there? I get so sick of hearing that...there is nothing wrong with doing things an easier way. That's why Ben Franklin invented bifocals, so he wouldn't have to get up out of his seat and find his reading glasses and look at how many of us middle-aged people wear the darn things. Good grief! People act like it's more noble or Godly to do things the hard way, and it's not, people.
And there are a few state legislators who could probably use the surgery, as well. But they all likely have non-state-insurance which would more likely pay for it with their regular jobs, so they don't care.
*Jumps down off of soap box*
Ok, I've vented. Thanks for the link. Marcia