3-ish month check up today
Hola all,
Hope this friday finds you all doing well and happy.
I had my 3-ish month check up today. It was late because I wanted to wait until my surgeon was in town for a weekend seminar, and he will see local patients then too (my 4 month anniversary is the 8/26).
Anyway, I am right on target and he was as pleased with my progress as with that of my husband, lol. He's lost 22 lbs since my surgery, just from the "no junk in the house and no fast food" RNY companion diet
My doc would like to see me down 100 lbs by the 6th months and feels it is very doable. I am to add one more day and one more mile to my daily walking (so 3 miles 4 to 5x a week), and add some type of weight training (at-home dvd is fine, since I'm just not the a go to the gym kinda person). Oh, and I should be taking iron daily since my period is, shall we say, back with a vengeance since surgery. TMI, sorry guys.
My surgeon only does bloodwork annually, but my PCP will be doing all the same pre-surgical bloodwork and cholesterol testing in October when I see her again.
So all in all, a good check up (and the office scale is 2 lbs heavier than my home scale - his scale in Fresno is 8 lbs more, what a difference!!)

Hey, SHR-Inky! Congrats on your excellent progress. The RNY companion diet is pretty amazing-my boyfriend has lost 27 lbs on the exact same program! And believe me, he wasn't trying, LOL. So much has changed for us-we hardly ever go out to eat any more, and when we do, we share an entree and don't get appetizers or dessert. I don't buy junk food, so if he wants it, he has to go out and get it. I love that we are all having a positive impact on our families by getting our own health under control.
Sharyn that's what is happening to my hubby. He is gaining weight because he finishes everything off of my plate. I'm actually getting worried... he was a little overweight to begin with and now he's really packing it on. I'm just concerned about his health.
Inky that's awesome girl!!!! You are doing a great job and good for your hubby losing right along with you. Keep up the good work...you're lookin good!
All good news, Inkster. Glad to hear it.
If you get bored with walking, look into getting a bicycle. They're great exercise, and a lot of fun. I've started riding mine to work. With the money I'm saving on gas, and skipping the fast food drive-thru's I can afford more expensive toys. ( I'm thinking of buying a cabin, since it's a buyer's market at the moment)
Enjoy youre success, and thanks for sharing.