I need some help
Maybe someone has some experience with this problem. I am 4 1/2 months out and it has been happening for as long as I can remember.Every 2-3 days I get sick. Whenever I have to move my bowels, I violently wretch. TMI part coming up........ As I am sitting on the toilet, many times struggling, it seems to me that all the pressure backs up into my stomach and actually starts my stomach convulsing and wretching.This is not a simple wretching session. Then everything hurts for a day. yesterday I had an upper GI with small bowel. I was feeling nasuseous as soon as soon as I woke up. The barium came up on me.........the wretching started. The radiologist commented on how "traumatic and violent" it was but unfortunately, nothing wrong showed up on the screen. Hours later, when I had to how a bowel movement, the wretching started again. Yesterday was the most violent session I have had, It is hard to breathe and it seems like my stomach is choking the life out of me.Nothing comes up, as there is no food in my stomach. My daughter, who witnesses this every 2-3 days, was so scared yesterday that she wanted to call 911. When it was finally over (maybe 1-2 hours) I am wiped out. Every inch inside of my stomach area is sore and painful. I feel so sick and have to lie down, freezing and shivering from it all. Finally, last night I was able to get a little clear broth down. I am not reaching my protein levels at all, Now, this morning, everything inside of me still aches,,,and it will for most of the day. I feel like I have been kicked in the stomach repeatedly. I will be calling my surgeon today, but I don't know what he'll say, being that the upper GI was normal. I feel my quality of life has been so compromised and I just don't know what to do. I am not living a normal life. Any suggestions??? Thanks so much for letting me go on and on.
Im so sorry you're going through this hell Shar. I dont like that you feel the quality of your life has been effected by this surgery and i hope and pray you find some answers to this problem. I understand the upper GI was normal, but surely the doctor has had other patients who have experienced this before and can put some reasons together and answer why this is happening. Please keep us posted on what the surgeon says today. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!! ((((((hugs))))))
Hmmmm I am not a doctor but maybe they should do a lower GI....to me it sounds like you might have an obstructed bowel...Because when you strain to go everything starts to spasm....I bet that is why you get sick..... And it would make sense due to the fact that it only happens when you try to move your bowels.....
Sorry to say that I don't have an answer for you, but just wanted to show some support and love. I hope that they figure out what is going on with you so that you can get back to feeling more normal. Keep us posted, and like has been said before don't let the doctor just shrug you off!! ((((((HUGS))))))