I'm home from the hospital!
Well since I really didn't feel like typing anything out yesterday........here it goes.
Well, I got home yesterday afternoon after another 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital. Not too much to share really. I'm probably just still having pain from the intusseption they found the last time I was there. (My new stomach was folding in on itself.) No new tests were done since I had just been there for 3 weeks. I was basically on pain meds to be able to eat and drink....darvocet and IV dilaudid, oxycontin and IV dilaudid, then I was sent home on 12 mg. of Dilaudid by mouth. Now I get home and I have been having diarrhea practically every hour and I am feverish and feel like cow manure. I also just ate and drank for the first time since I came home (at 5pm on Thursday night!), and didn't even finish what I had (only 1 cheese stick and 8oz. of milk). GOD I really want to be 100% again. All of this sucks! I've cried twice today because I'm just SO tired.......tired of all this and tired of everything I've went through. I'm just mentally exhausted!
Thanks for those that called and checked up on me while I was in the hospital. Even though sometimes I was too tired to even talk!! Too doped up was more like it! Hopefully all this is gone soon and I can function like a normal human being......*sigh*
Welcome home alle
I know u must be so discouraged at times .. take it slow .. may not seem u r geting better but if u weren't getting better u would still be in hospitial .. try thinking of it that way hon... I feel so bad for u .. hang in there I CARE!!!!
Loose stools maybe from lack of bulky food ,, need solids to make a solid BM hope that is it and nothing serious but a fever hmmmmmmm r u dehydrated? .. I would call the doctor and ask is this normal?
HANG in there and it is ok to cry.. !!!!! u have good reason
Good to see u posting again
My heart goes out to you hun, for all you've been thru and are still going thru. I'm glad your home and I will continue to pray that your body heals and you get on your feet once and for all and are able to start enjoying life again. You're an amazing person for hanging in there this long, I give you a lot of credit.
Just keep nibbling a little soft foods as much as possible but don't overdue it. Eat what you can and don't worry about how little you are eating... it will get better eventually. Slow & steady wins the race... you're gonna make it Allie we are all pulling for you hun!