Finally Did It
Well, so many of you have asked me to submit a post op picture. Im camera shy and hesitated to do it, but my daughter took one of me yesterday and i finally posted a new one. I feel like i dont look much different but im happy with my accomplishments anyway, no matter how slow going it seems to be.
Also, not too long ago i mentioned that i can fit into my husbands flight suit now (hes in the airforce) and what a huge goal that was for me! Someone suggested i take a picture of myself in that. I havent yet, but maybe sometime this weekend if i feel brave!
Anyway...finally took a moment and updated. You all have been so supportive, i honestly couldnt tell you how lonely this journey would be if it werent for all of you keeping me encouraged and motivated! Thank you!
You look AWESOME - like "goal-weight" awesome! Like, "you are my hero" awesome!
Your family is beautiful too. Hey, can we get a pic of hubby in the flight suit? I mean, I'm sure you look great in it, but c'mon - there are few things in life hotter than a man in a flight suit! Hooray for the USAF!! Saving lives, and looking good the whole while!
I would hug every single one of you if i could right now!
Thank you so much for making me feel like im doing good. I feel like im one of the slow losers on the A Team and that has brought me down so many times, but you all are so supportive and encouraging, i cant help but feel the love. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Shana, you're histerical. I may post a picture of my husband in his flight suit just for you! haha.
You all are so amazing and wonderful. Im so blessed to have you all on this journey with me.
((((((((((((((SUPER BIG HUGS TO U ALL)))))))))))))))))))))