precancer cells were found
yesterday I went to my oral surgeon and was told that I did have precancer cells in my mouth and all pain and suffering and crying like a baby was for a good reason and they feel they have cut out all the diseased tissue and jaw bone and will do a final test on aug 20 to resample and swab and do something else to give me a clean bill of health .. I am feeling better now and off the pain meds yeah!!!!!! Funny I never smoked or chewed tobacco yet alone even drink coffee tea or alcohol was because Of my fillings were the cause.
I am looking forward to restoration of my teeth now and by next month I will be having a nice smile to go with my weight loss
I did see that it gave me a more define jaw line after the surgery and made my jaw look smaller and nicer and I did notice I lost my double and triple chins LOL a mini face lift LOL ok gum tissue jaw lift LOL if we must be technical LOL
have great weekend all ..
I am back in saddle now.. and now ready for the rest of my life
I start back to exercise and work next week but I am gonna go ease into it.
Thanks everyone for the awesome support
U know I was thinking wow I am actually gonna have this pretty smile I always wanted and have perfectly straight white teeth and then add the weight loss LOL I am gonna feel like I had a total make over LOL ..
I really take to heart NO pain NO gain or is really right now about lose the pain and losr the weight? LOL