How MUCH Can Everyone Eat?
I am a tad bit concerned that I am able to eat quickly sometimes... Some people here talk about taking 1 hour to eat... I have days where I could take my sweet time and maybe go 30 minutes over the course of a meal. Nowadays I am done eating in like 20 minutes or so. I need to learn to slow down but I am always in such a damn rush to do other things...
I am between 1/2c to 1c depending on what it is. 1/2c for meats. 1c for things with higher water content. I just ate a 5.3 fl oz (about 3/4c) yogurt and I felt the pressure to stop. It also depends on what my pouch is willing to accept (like I actually believe that it has decision making powers
) Sometimes I feel like I keep eating and eating, other times, it tells me to stop after a few bites. I don't really stop though. I push myself to get in the nutrition (I plan the meals carefully) so I just slow down and take a little longer than usual to get it all in.

When I'm hungry and haven't had much for the day, I can eat quite a bit. I can always eat a lot of salad. Like a whole chicken salad from McDs... scared me the first time. Have figured out it's the thing to order when w/company - so they don't look at me weird for not eating much. Meats and cheezs fill me up fast. Potatoes - I can have like two bites, but I can eat a grip of shrimp! Some days are better than others for me too.

Just recently it seems I am eating more, today I had 2 oz fish, 1 baby baked potato and 1/2 brussel sprouts and while it took me over an hour to eat it I finished it. I seem to be snacking a bit more though and will have something every few hours even if it is just something tiny. I do get full much faster from some things than others too and some days I can't hardly eat anything and others I am fine.
I can eat lean cusine meal or a cup of food like protien and veggies.
1 bowl of cereal like oatmeal 3/4 cup
2 egg omelet but then that came up last time
1 pinto and cheese from taco bell and taco supreme that is my take out food.
But i can only eat one heavy meal like above then rest of the day it is protien shakes and cheese and grapes or i will vomit it up..
all my food has to be moist non dry