Call 911-I lost my hiney!
After all the talk about the boobs I sure got a shock today. I was walking past a window and looked at my reflection and my ass was missing. It freaked me out. How exactly does one lose their ass???
This was a side view. My back just continued down to my legs. No junk in the trunk.
After having the meltdown I decided to see was it really me? I started trying on different pants. Well, things got marginally better when I put on a new pair that actually fit. At least there was a small bump again. Having clothes that fit make a world of difference.
This journey brings surprises to all of us. Seeing your reflection and not recognizing it is something most of us have started to have happen.
Anything similar happen you would like to share???
I can so understand what you mean. I swear I have lost all my weight in my butt and legs. I have had to buy so many smaller pairs of underwear that I have a small collection going on of ones that don't fit. I am now officially sick of buying new so I just wear the big ones that fall down half the day. Now if my stomache would catch up I would be happy.
I've never had much of a butt, but there is definitely nothing there now. I've had to look twice in window reflections...who is that person? I'm so used to seeing the stomach, which is also no longer there. (Still have the boobs, am using a good supportive bra, but naked they are beginning to look like deflated balloons...ugh.) Yeah, why can't we choose where to lose the fat? Good darn question. (Not that I'm complaining, understand. I LOVE having to do a double-take...)
Its amazing what a difference some new clothes make. I have been wearing loose fitting clothes for so many years that it is hard to wear something that is form fitting.
I did not give in though. My new tops were misses XL. They really define how I starting to get a figure again.
My bras, I just keep taking the straps up. If I don't, I would have to tuck the girls into my waistband. LOL
Now, if I could lose the last of my "muffin" then those new clothes would be hot!