Gift ideas for an 11 year old girl.
I have 4 teenagers plus lots of foster children that are teenagers so I figure that I can assist on this one....
First and foremost...... The greatest gift that you can give to he ris your time.
Second.......... She was the cold hard green.
Third........ A wannabe cool dad could give here an itunes gift card so that she can make her own CDs with exactly the songs that she likes.
Fourth......... Girls about that age love beads, stickers, and they have these kits that allow her to make her own purse/thongs/shirts.... you know decorate them her way.
Fifth........ Every pre-teen girl needs a diary (but you have to promise not to peek)
Sixth......... Take her and have a protrait of the two of you and then go get a frame and the two of you sit down and decorate it together....... She will cheri**** for life.
I have lots more but that is a start. Let me know if you use any of these or need some more.
Have a day full of making memories on Monday.... You ARE a cool Dad.
I am right there with you! but I am a wannabe cool mom of a 10 year old that will be 11 in Sept. We just spent the week with family and to make up for being grumpy mom I surprised her with the Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus CD and I was deamed the best mom in the world! I also liked the other idea about takinging a pic of you and her together and give it to her with a special frame! Good luck!!!
This is the hottest toy out right now and if she doesnt have one, i suggest getting her one! They are very affordable, usually ranging from $15-25. Check it out!
Click on "Take a Tour" once you get to that website and it will show you more.
TRUST ME! The kids (boys and girls) are wild about this new toy right now.
The really cool thing is that you interact with others who have this toy as well, no matter where they live. My youngest daughter gets to play with her cousins in a different state, and even grandma who lives in a different state got herself one and gets on to play with all of her grandkids! Its awesome!
What great advice. I knew I came to the right place for help on this one.
First of all, money is tight, (As always) but love is plentiful. I do agree that the best thing I can give her is my time and attention. So Monday my Wife and I are taking her and her best friend to Michigan's Adventure amusement park. Next week she's getting braces on her teeth, that's a $3500.00 burn for dear old Dad.
The iPod was what she would have loved- but more than I could spend. So I went with a Webkin. A pink poodle. She'll love it - and I won't be able to get on the computer for a month.
Mission accomplished. Thanks to all of you.