My pain meds aren't working.....update!
Ok like it was really a big surprise but my pain meds did not work that I got yesterday to be able to eat and drink. I called my surgeon's office a while ago and he's going to call me in ANOTHER pain med to take with this one. I swear I don't know if I can stand another pain med. This medicine I'm on now is irritating my stomach a little........which I can handle.......but seems pointless if taking the med doesn't help me to hydrate or nourish myself. I don't know what else they're calling in for me. We'll see. The girl said that my surgeon said if this medicine didn't work..........I'm going back to the hospital. I'm so tired of tests, hospitals, IV's, tape (don't ask.....LOL), food, drink...........all of it. I want to be a normal human being again. I know, I know..........same story different day......LOL Welcome to my universe! Thanks again for all your support! I don't think I could get through this without all the support I've received! I'm truly grateful for it! I just wanted to shoot ya'll this update since some of you have asked to kept up to date about what's going on.
Okay, this is probably not the best advice, but I think you should call him and ask if you can make a ****tail of all the useless pain meds he's given you. You know, like 1/2 of one, chased by a gulp of another?
I know my doc gave me something like that one time when I hurt myself, but couldn't tell you what the mix was. He said that one boosted the pain-killing effect of the other, w/out bothering my stomach as much (my tummy was actually more picky before surgery than it is now, if you can believe that!)
I hope you find something that works for you soon. Half the time, I read your posts and I just hurt for you, but don't really know what to say or how to help, and now I contribute by giving some crack-pot drug-mixing advice!
Oh well, just wanted you to know I'm thinkin' about ya!
LOL Well if anything your post got me laughing!! He probably WOULD think I was a crack head if I asked him if I could do that. Truth is.........I HATE pain meds. I hate the way they make me feel and whenever I can get by without them or I can take a Tylenol instead and just deal with the symptoms, I do. So now I feel like a dang drug seeker because I need something MORE for my pain and that is the total opposite of my general philosophy AND how badly I HATE pain meds!! Terrible!
sheesh! I hope they find something soon... maybe you should consider another doc? I always want to know the why behind stuff... Are they telling you why, or what's causing all this? Seems like something must have gone wrong in surgery. Got U in my prayers. =0) Hang in there... try to relax if you can...