I'm HOME! And update!
(Sorry I cross posted! LOL) Well now that I have 14 hours of sleep under my belt and LOTS of baby smooching........LOL Here's what happened while I was in the hospital.
For the first week they did absolutely nothing but give me IV fluids, take my blood once, and do a chest x-ray(???). I couldn't eat or drink anything without severe pain. My doctor was out of town on vacation and obviously didn't know I was there. So when he came in a week after I'd been there, he got the ball rolling to see what was going on. He put me on percocet AND dilaudid just so I could eat and drink. He did an upper GI and they found an intusseption. It's where the intestines telescope in on themselves. Well I didn't find out til several days later that it was not a typical intusseption. Mine was like the pouch was intussepting in on itself.......or something like that. Stuff was still going through the pouch, just not very easily. My doctor said it's very rare and he had never even seen one before.
So after that, they scheduled an endoscopy and that turned out fine. They couldn't see the intusseption, but they didn't think they were going to because it can slip in and out......like be normal and then intussept. And they blew air in there so that could've possibly made it slip out. Then they did another upper GI to see if they could see it again and they could not.
So I had several options available to me at this point. I could get a PIC line and go into skilled nursing for however long it took for this to clear up. Or I could try to get home health to come out and administer my IV fluids but Medicare wasn't wanting to pay for it the last I heard from the discharge coordinator. So we tossed around those ideas and then the skilled nursing said that I couldn't go over there if I was ONLY getting IV fluids. So being stuck with obstacles, my doctor came to me with another plan about putting a G-tube in to my old stomach and I could give myself my own fluids and not have to mess with home health or skilled nursing and be able to go home fairly quickly. Well I was up for that so we did that last Sunday morning.
So I have to flush this thing 4 times a day with water and then give myself anything else I want to. Well this morning I made a carnation instant breakfast and started giving it to myself (I have given myself milk through this thing before). Well, I got to the end and I was getting SO majorly sick to my stomach, I barely got the thing capped off before I started wretching. Of course nothing was in my stomach but OMG, it apparently thought there was. SO I decided to open the cap back up and let it drain what I had just put in, and the nausea stopped. I was sweating profusely by then and was exhausted. Now (TMI) I've developed watery diarrhea and am just not a happy camper.
So anyway, if you read that far, that's been my life for the last 3 weeks. I hope no one ever has to go through this. It really sucks.
OMG I can't believe this is the only options they gave you. I really hope this is not something you have to deal with long term. Was the carnation breakfast the sugar free kind? I know I haven't been able to tolerate it since surgery but you have been through so much already. I hope you heal quickly and this journey stops being such a nightmare for you.