Sunday weigh-in, 7/15/07 editition.
Ooops, should have said 11 1/2 weeks post op. Great job everyone - Racing toward that century mark myself! Exploring my closet is like shopping at a store where you like everything - lots of stuff I've not even considered wearing before surgery is suddenly in the realm of possiblity!
Heaviest (July '06) = 338#
Liquid Diet (4/13) = 320#
Surgery 4/27/07 = 305#
Last week = 250#
11 1/2 wks post op = 245#
93# overall
60# since surgery!!!!!!
Good Morning April Loosers!
We had a busy week around here last week. Not alot of exercising and I had trouble with my liquids but all & all I am down 3 pounds for the week. Who can complain with that. I can remember weeks when I would have done anything to loose 3 pounds in a week!
Here are my results:
DOS 289
Last week 227
This week 224
down 3 lbs this week
Total loss 65 lbs in 3 months 1 week
65 ponuds lost forever BUT not forgotten. I am soooo thankful for every pound I loose!
My next goal is to be under 200 by my 4th month. Congrats everyone on this week and hope you have a big looser this next week!
Hello A Team!
I think I am starting to grind to a stall? I lost 1 pound this week. but I did see my surgeon and he is very happy where I am and OKed me for exercise so I am now getting my butt in gear. so here is the stats
highest 357
DOS 349
today 287
Total lost 70 pounds my goal is 3 pounds for next week butt going to high gear.
I think I had a good week ,,
Let me explain.. I keep going back and forth 243 to 246 the regain up down all 12 week post surgery
This moring I am 240.4 so down 10 lbs... since surgery but I have restriction still and making awesome life style changes I feel good about my weight loss..
I was hoping I would be 239 but aunt flo came to town LOL I am hopeful this is the begining of my weight loss journey in right direction
Had major oral surgery on friday ..(10 stitches) in to much pain to eat or even care about how much I am not losing in last few days LOL I know with aunt flow I will not lose tell after she has left town..
I am not eating or drinking much .. due to oral surgery.
Not even exercising tell probally 1 week .. post oral surgery..
I feel like I am having a extreme make over going on... new teeth LOL (was in major car accident hit the windshild when semi rearended us and finally getting rid of my fractured teeth )
This year I made a promice I would take care of my self and have WLS and fix my teeth..
Happy to report I also went in for my mammo and all is well..another goal...Met
I am making my goals... be good to my self may not seem like it right now with pain in my mouth but I can smile again.. and I have pretty teeth again.. should see my new smile LOL
I feel good I met some goals this week maybe not the 239 goal but I met so many other goals this week
Having this major oral surgery was a very very big goal to me .. I knew this was needed .. to get rest of my new teeth .. No PAIN No Gain.. has a new meaning to me .. 2 more months and I will be done with all my dental work.. and I love my sexy teeth in front are now in ... back teeth r going in now LOL and we r not talking dentures here LOL
I can smile again.. and not be ashamed of my bashed in teeth look.. no one can tell I had major recontructive surgery..
I feel good ..
Have a good week everyone.. I will when this pain goes away..LOL
Happy Day A-Team,
Another week that I Choose to Lose! I am down 3lbs this week and I have just finnished my 4th week of working out with a personal trainer 3 times a week. I get measurments this week so looking to see where I am! Here are my numbers!
Highest: 325lbs
DOS: 309lbs
Last wk: 259lbs
Today: 256lbs
Total loss: 69lbs gone forever!!!