hows is everyone's execise going?
Good to see we have have some transfer addtion .. LOL I think i am one too LOL..
I guess I will do a sunday roll call and let everyone report in what "REAL " exercise we are doing ... I was told 60 mins cardio seven days a week my doc beleives in torture LOL but I love my doc .. he says being so over weight so long u need to kick start your metabolism with exercise or u will gain the weight back .. over time .. and not to mention u will have real flappy skin ..
Yesterday I did 50 mins of cardio by bike and 45 mins of lap swimming then I came back for a hour of water aerobics that nite sore u betcha wanting motrin priceless .. lol
I do want to add I am having a dreaded garage sale(I hate them) after that I am making my garage a gym. I have a gazelle and ab doer the bean I am also going to buy a heavy weight bag with the stand next week. One final thing will be a giant fan because it is hott in there! Then I wont have an excuse!
I was doing really good with exercise until lately. I'm helping a new store open and it's almost an hour away, so I haven't had much time to go to the y. but I don't feel bad cuz I'm working my butt off and not getting much to eat. I'm trying to drink milk while I'm there to at least get my protein in, I eat and drink as much before and after work as I can, but during, I can't do much about it. I've got 2 more days there then back home again, so hopefully I can go back to my routine.
I've worked up to 3 miles on the treadmill, I was walking 4 outside, but I think the treadmill gives me a better workout. I also do 20 minutes on the exercise bike and I try to swim as much as I can. And I horseback ride about once a week.
i was gonna say exercise is like a full time job .. I go home and sleep .. and then back at it for more cardio.. I am not seeing any weight loss results yet ,,, but my body is saying oh yeah r u crazy women ? AND I AM ANSWERING BACK HELL YES NO SLACKING TELL U GIVE UP ALOT OF POUNDS.. lol GONNA WONDER WHO IS GONNA CRY UNCLE ME OR MY BODY LOL