where oh where have my boobs gone??
ok, so they haven't really disappeared. But they are slowly shrinking and getting saggier than they were to begin with. I know it's too early for the plastic surgery, but I could really use a lift right now, for my arms too. I'm still wearing my old bras, just tightened the straps, because the smaller ones I have won't go around me yet.
I agree with you but mine are worse I assure you!!! I have a scar from when I was burned in a fire and the scar is keeping one up and other is sinking fast! I literally have to pick them up and beg them to go into the bra! I am buying boobs!!!! I never wanted them but I have always had big boobs and I am accustomed to them lol. So if my husband gets insurance then my tummy tuck will be covered (I have a hernia at the c section line) I can use my care credit for boobies!! good luck with your girls!!
This boob shrinking thing is new for me. I had breast reduction 10 years ago this month and I can honestly say I think I was in 3rd grade the last time I wore a C cup and that is now what I am wearing. I swear I called my mom about a month ago almost crying cause my bra was way way to big. I was shocked, I weighed 125lbs and still have an G cup so to be 200lbs and a C cup is definatly new to me. God wouldn't that be odd if I had to get bigger boobs after having to have a reduction.