Restless Leg Syndrome
I've always had restless leg syndrome, but since my surgery i have it ALL the time now! I cant even sit through a 2hr movie. Its so frustrating!! Grrr!!
Has anyone else had this problem too??
I know they have a new prescription to help someone with this now, but i dread taking medication.
Does anyone have this problem? ...and if so, have you found ways to combat this??
I noticed that my legs hurt worse at night time after surgery. I have muscle relaxers that I take and they seem to help. Laying on my side at night and making my husband let me put my legs over his helps seriously, I sleep with a pillow under my legs or between my legs (if on my side) EVERY night. If I don't, I am miserable.
Thank you so much for the information Lisa. I did recently have some blood work done and i asked the doc about that and he said everything seemed fine. That was a month ago though and i had gone in because i was feeling faint all the time. I cant help but wonder if you're right. I think ill stop by the drugstore and get some iron supplements....ill see if it helps! Not only do i have really bad restless leg, but im also very tired all the time. Im willing to bet the iron supplements will help.
Thank you!
I take Klonipin (generic Clonazepam) which is not a new fact it is an anti-seizure med. It is inexpensive.
One pill at night keeps me stable through the day though I have had periods where I had to take 2 at night. It will cause drowsiness so it isn't taken during the day.
Any good physician can prescribe something for you. There are a half dozen different meds that work so finding one to fit you shouldn't be a problem.
Thank you Robert, I have an upcoming appointment soon and i think ill try getting a prescription to help me with this as well. Its driving me insane!!
I was hoping i could change my diet somehow as im not very good about taking meds, but im so desperate at this point ill do whatever it takes!!
Thanks again for your suggestion and help!!