Sunday weigh in 7/1/07
Wow. What a great week for everyone!! I had a good one too. My scale experiment worked out well (I cheated and weighed myself once on Wednesday) but today I was down 6 lbs from last Sunday!!
Highest: 348
DOS: 343
Last week: 276
Today: 270
Total lost: -78lbs
BTW - This puts me at my goal of having my BMI under 40 by my 3 month check-up. YAY me!! My next goal is -100 lbs, maybe I can do that by Sept. 1? That would be the five month mark for me.
I thought I would join in on Sunday mornings so I would be more accountable.
DOS 4/6/07 289
Last Week 236
Today 232
Total Loss 57 POUNDS!
4 lbs this week!
I am on bariatric chewable vitimins, calcium petite, B 12, Biotin, and I drink 42g protien bullet a day (1/2 on the morning and 1/2 in the pm).
Energy level is great.....Never had dumping, and am tolerating all foods. I still have not tried fresh veggies and don't have much of an appetite. I pretty much have to make myself eat. I try to get in 64oz of liquid a day minimun, and walk a couple of times a week. I NEED TO EXERCISE MORE! I will commit to that this week.
Congrats Everyone!
Hey A-Team! Happy Sunday to you all! Looks like we are having a great start to the week! Well here are my stats for the week
Highest: 325
DOS: 309
Last Week: 264
This Week: 261
Loss for the week: 3lbs
I also was able to put on a pair of jeans that I have not had on in years! I love my new life and our new tool!!!
Have a great 4th of July to all.
Well here I got again no loss yet.. I did lose 3 lbs last weeK well I think it was more LOL been on scale to much head spinning lol
stuck at 242.. .. but that mean 8 lbs since surgery day
basically I am losing 1 lbs a week .. . I am uping the cardio .. now so I think my I will see it pick up this week ..
So run down is
Highest weight on record 283 I think I was 295
257 april 1
250 day of surgery
Today 242 1 week post restriction .
Total loss on record 41 lbs
Clothes size .. I was size 24 in every thing now size 20 in jeans 18 pants 16 dress and 18 in tops ..
So I may not see it in weight but I am seeing it in my clothes ..
Not giving up.. I maybe a turtle here in weight loss but the turtle did finish ..
be well all