OK. I had to see my 2 month pix
I have been so inspired by everyones stories. I got to wondering, how much do I look different? Well, I had to dig because I was pretty camera shy before surgery but I found some.
It is amazing, my double chin is almost gone. I have a lot smaller thighs. I wish I knew how to upload them side by side like Inky but this was the best I could do.
There is a 52 lb difference between the before and nows.
Wowza - look at your clavicle!! It's looking great
I used a tool located here to create the mosaic on my profile:
more pics - let's see more pics of everybody!!
Thanks Inky! I didn't even know I had a clavicle until you pointed it out. This is fun. I have been so camera and mirror shy for a long time. I knew I had lost weight, I could tell by my clothes but being able to see the photos makes a huge difference.
Now I'm ready to lose the other half.
Come on people, upload your photos. We all need affirmation about how we are doing.