Pooping.. the lighter side of it
Humor side of weight loss
Ok I get so excited when I have to poop.. I know I may gross some of u out especially those who don't think they r a card carrying member of the poop society LOL
I just feel my weight comes off when I poop .. some think the weight falls off in middle of the night by magic .. or some think they pee and weight falls off . or some think u sweat and it comes off or a combo .. of the above
I just had to laugh .. at my self .. My life has come down to .. am I gonna make a poopy today????
ok off to the gym.. I don't think sweating is how it comes off as i cannot not sweat.. even in the sauna I dry up like a turtle LOL
be well all Lisa
I know what you're talking about. It's a red letter day when I "drop the kids off at the pool" so to speak.
I don't think of it as losing weight by pooping though. I think of it as what food doesn't get digested and used gets put out. IE if I eat 2# of food over a couple of days, and I poop out 1# of it, I know only 1# went into my body to use.
I think we lose weight by burning fat instead of sugars, then the byproducts of our "losing weight" are the ketones in our urine, sweat etc. Think of it as melting the weight away in the flame of metabolism, rather than dumping it out of the refuse system.
I have that nasty I.B.S. (irritable bowel syndrome), and it seems to be worse lately. But I do have a nasty big hernia which could be the reason why it's been getting worse. I dread having to go because it means serious pain & cramping. I think I'd rather give birth then go through that everytime it's potty time! Maybe after I get my hernia repair it won't hurt so bad.