Has anyone had blood work done?
I have had blood work done.
It wasnt too bad I guess.
My potassium was a little low, my pre-albumin was too low (that shows if you are getting enough protein in)
My urine was to concentrated.
So they are saying I am not getting enough fluids in. My God, I get between 64 & 80 oz per day. If I drink anymore, I wont have enough room to eat anything!
The nephrologist also told me it would help to increase my carb intake, I told him absolutely NOT. That is so against everything I am doing. I will discuss it with my surgeon on the 9th when I go in. I dont want to do anything to slow down my weight loss that's for sure.
I had blood work done at 1 week and 1 month post op and so far they were both perfect. I will have my 3 month check in July and will get more blood work done then. They did have some serious issues finding a vein but that's nothing new for me cause they are tiny slippery little suckers and don't want to cooperate. So I got stuck like 4 times and then got told my blood was really thick. Other than that no problems.
All my blood work came back normal. I am not low or deficient in anything which surprised me. I thought for sure I had low iron or something was off due to the scary episode I had a few weeks back. I was driving on the highway and I suddenly got extrememly dizzy and started seeing black spots before me... so I quickly pulled the car off the side of the road and had to sit there for like 10 mintues before it passed. I thought for sure I was gonna blackout. Really weird... and scary while driving. I was freaking out hoping I wouldn't blackout before I pulled the car over and put it in park. Whew! Anyway, everything checked out fine so who knows.