Getting a wig
If it makes you happy or makes you feel better about yourself, go for it! My mom went through chemo when I was a teenager and she decided to use her wig time to try out some crazy styles and colors. You may want to go to your hairstylist though and ask if it is really noticeable. Usually they can be objective. Good luck!
There are great wigs, hair pieces and extensions available - go for it! You can be natural or change your hair color a little or go crazy!!
I wore lots of hair pieces and long extensions in the past, and in the mid-80's when I had some crazy freaking hair, I wore a wig at my day job at the bank for several years. I love them!
Can't wait to see pics,
My hair has been falling out like crazy. Thank goodness I started with a really full head of hair but for me this is bad and my family members are starting to notice around my hair line you can see my scalp. I'm really self conscious of it and if it gets worse I'd totally invest in a wig. I'm hoping though that it hangs on!
I spent an hour today with a wire hanger pulling clumps of hair out of my tub drain. (Sorry TMI) I respect your idea for a wig, but if it came down to it, I'd go pixie cut or worst case scenario shave it. Not sure I can pull off either, but we may find out....
PS - I started taking biotin about 3 weeks ago. I got the super high potency so that I would absorb as much as possible. Not helping. Seems to be coming out more. I am sure it is not related to the biotin but more to the highlights I got last week (dumb). Oh well, live and learn!