WOW moment
SHAR!!!! Congrats to you !! I am so excited for you that is awesome! I did the same thing at super walmart I was able to walk the whole store and not have to sit down! The things we really missed out on before are awesome!! I spend the whole day yesterday cleaning out my garage and I could have never done that before!!
that's wonderful, I bet you feel so much better now.
I've noticed that I'm not as tired at work and am able to do more. To be honest, I've been a very bad lazy worker for a long time, but I just never had the energy to do much. I had to pace myself or I'd never make through my usually 10 hr shifts. Now I'm more motivated and trying to be a better employee. And my feet don't seem to hurt as much either.
I've also discovered that I actually have a collarbone. Never noticed that before.
Shar, that's great! I think we are all starting to realize little things that we dreaded before aren't bothering us as much anymore. I take the stairs all the time at work, and before I would have walked out of my way in order to take the elevator. Little things are awesome, because they all lead to big things.