Ok, I don't get it...
Saw my surgeon today. Mostly all good news, but when he asked why I'm getting 90g of protein per day, I said "because that's what the dietician said to do". Evidently the dietician and the doc aren't on the same page. I was on 60g of protein per day until about 4 weeks post op, then 70-100g after my 6 week follow up with the dietician. He commented that "it doesn't help us deal with all the problems" if I get more than 60g of protein per day. What the heck does that mean?
Also, the Nurse Practicioner (who I trust) said that I should be working out like crazy to maximize my first 6 months post op. I'm only getting like 8-900 calories per day, spending 10-11 hours on my feet all day, wouldn't that put my body in starvation mode if I ended up with 3-500 net calories per day?
It just seems like some folks at my clinic aren't on the same page. Go figure - wish there was more science and less opinion in these issues.
Granted you're male and I'm a female but I was instructed by my Nut who works in my surgeons office not to exceed 60-65 grams of protein in a day (64 being the perfect amount for my body weight specifically). I was told that if you get too much protein, you will not lose. I also was told that by the end of the day in order to lose you want your caloric intake to be in the negatives. I walk/run every day (milage...sometimes 5 miles and try to incorporate other exercises like kayaking or something fun) and exercise like mad as instructed. I would follow your surgeons ideas on the proteins you should be consuming...after all he's the M.D. but that's just my opinion. It's confusing I know...I see people posting all over that they're eating close to 100g of protein a day and I was told time and again it's individual and a balance. Not enough protein you won't lose...too much protein you won't lose...
I have been told by both my surgeon and nutritionist that 45-60 grams of protien is plenty depending on your height. (over 5'8'' of Male you need 60 grams) They also say not to worry about the amonut of calories you are takig in. Just focus on protien and exercise. The more active you are the better you will loose.