Struggling with thirst vs. eating
Now with the hot weather upon us I find that I'm ALWAYS THIRSTY!!!!!!!! I mean 24/7 I am thirsty and I want nothing but ice cold water to quench my thirst! I have been so thirsty that I even sacrificed eating lunch for an ice cold bottle of water! And even when I'm not terribly thirsty I will eat only to find I get majorly thirsty while eating! I have cheated a few times and just taken a couple of tiny sips while eating. I hate doing that but my thirst is so unbearable. Anyone else have this problem?
YES ! ! ! I have been having the same exact trouble. I find myself literally counting down the minutes to when I can have something drink if I had eaten something, or like you, I cheat and drink and eat (not a lot but just a couple sips). Is it really that bad to have a little to drink while eating ? especially if your just having a little protein snack? I'm not saying I want to do it all the time, I just don't want to ruin anything, my pouch, etc ? ?? I hope someone out there has some suggestions ! ~~Rona
I too am having the same problem. I wake up thirsty and it is so hard to get it under control. Then when lunch time comes around I am still thirsty and it is so hard to eat while you are thirsty. A coworker came in the breakroom the other day to get a drink of water and he gulped it down, and I thought to myself, "Oh, I want to drink like that, just gulp a big glass of ice water" but I know that I can't.
I have been told that in the summer you sometimes have to increase the amount of liquids because of the heat, but I have a hard enough time just getting in the required amounts. I don't know how I am going to do it.
I think it is partially due to all this heat. However, have you been to the Dr lately? Many times extreme thirst is a sign of diabetes. If this has been ruled out-GREAT!
I am doing really well with my solid food but the water just goes down hard for me. I want more but it gets stuck and then finally gurgles down. It is weird it handles the food fine and does this with a liquid.
I spoke with my Dr about it but he has no idea why other than I must be having some spasms.
Hey Lisa,
I am having the same problem but mine is mostly at work. I work in a factory and lord is it hot. I can eat anything I want without problems but I have started making protein shakes at work and putting a lot of ice in them because I want to drink more than eat at work. I don't know if that is a good thing to do or not but I just have to drink all the time at work and this way I can at least get my protein in. I feel for you. I hope you can work something out.
Best Wishes,
I agree with the last poster. If you want to drink and cannot get your food in, you might want to try the dreaded protein drinks more than once a day (*SHUDDER*) sorry. I have grown a keen dislike for protein shakes. But they are a necessary evil and may help you out. I know how you feel though. I just got home from the gym and had to eat right away and I am soooooooo thristy I just want to stick my head under the faucet for like 20 minutes... whew. Good luck.