My waist!! I use to be an hourglass then as I gained I became a pear/apple now I saw today my waist is back! Still big but there is a hourglass indent!!! I can't wait till sunday weigh in! I hope the scale moved!
YAY!! It's been hiding waiting for you to discover it.
My 10 year old niece hugged me and said, "hey what's that?" and I said, "It's my ribs!!"
I'd forgotten there were bones under all this fat!!
How awesome! I was laughing because this morning I was lying in bed when my arm bumped something. I was shocked when I realized it was my hip.
This is fun!
Hello, I am new here; but I thought I would mention that the first thing I found was my hip bone. I can't actually say I "lost" it because can you lose something you've never had?