I am trying different kinds of food but everything makes me burpy. The only thing that doesn't is yogurts and my protein drinks. I know I need protein but I'm really sick of the liquids. I feel hungry but just one bite sets me off. I'm living on Gas-X and Tums. I thought a little pasta would be easy but, nope! Oh, BTW the couple of times I've eaten a cheese stick or a 'sweet' then I have no problem. What do you suggest???
I feel ya on the burping. I'll sit here at work and try to hide it (which just makes it worse). I've accidentially let them out when people are around and it's so embarassing.
I burp pretty much all the time but I have found that if I take too big of bites or eat too fast that's a big trigger for the burps to start. That usually leads to the 'foamies' too.